engagedwisdom.org - Engage Wisdom | Tape Digitization | Audio Archiving

Description: A complete soltuion for large collections of recorded audio, Engage Wisdom brings your archives to life. Archival-quality recording studio digitization, noise-reduction, automatic mastering, online interface, personalized service. Get an instant price estimate!

cassette tape digitization (4) reel tape preservation (4) audio archive solution (4)

Example domain paragraphs

We bring spoken wisdom to life.

Lectures, classes, presentations and stories have been recorded for decades... What do we do with all these files and decaying tapes? How can we find what we want and extract the meaning? How can we Engage Wisdom? We restore, digitize, and remaster old recordings from any format of analog or digital media to professional standards.

We put archives safely in the cloud, enabling global access by your community, wherever they are.