- ART-DECO-GRAFF-PIX-POP | Energy to Explore

Description: We're inspired by all things ranging from art, decoration, technology, digital media to the latest in pop culture. There's something for everyone at ART-DECO-GRAFF-PIX-POP whether you're into space exploration or nature.

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Welcome to my online art and exploration project. The phrase is my own invention that combines different art styles and movements. I love nature, specialize to create visually striking and vibrant artworks, decoration, graphics, illustrations and videos. The ART-DECO-GRAFF-PIX-POP style draws inspiration, besides others, from Art, Decoration, Graffiti art, Pixel art, and Pop art. My creative output is always personal, unique, and colorful. It is a vibrant mix of geometric shapes, bright bold colors, stylize

I offer observations for the curious and skilled you. My goal is to provide you with a wide range of fun, diverse, bold, interesting and bright ideas, motives and topics that will hopefully inform, inspire, and entertain You when ever possible. Whether you're into creativity, nature, wellness, technology, economy or You are simply curious about the world and life in general like me, my observations are aimed to offer something for everyone who is curious.

Let us make our World even a better place to live in! We live currently in the best and most unbelievable of all times in history! Let us all have the ENERGY TO EXPLORE and be even better people and beings than we are today!