energizingeducators.com - Energizing Educators – Bringing purpose and authenticity back into the classroom to avoid teacher burnout.

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Bringing purpose and authenticity back into the classroom to avoid teacher burnout.

When it comes to trying new things, we all have our preference in learning style. Some people are the dive in headfirst kind, wanting to explore on their own without influence from others. Others are willing to get their feet wet, but only with support of a guide or someone who has tested the water first. Some prefer to stay on the side, comfortable where they are, needing to be convinced first how this new thing will benefit them in their lives.

As part of the Apple Learning Coach program, I’m developing my coaching philosophy and style while building skills with the #EveryoneCanCreate Apple project guides. Having coached for many years (both in the education realm and sports/fitness), I can attest to the personalization that coaching requires, as we each respond differently to learning and stretching outside of our comfort zone.