endtimepreparedness.com - betUcantguesswho – Preparing people for End Time Events

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In the 90’s as we awakened to world events and fulfilling prophecies we were impressed to prepare not only spiritually but also physically for the times we live in, and for the crucial times that are coming!  We began to transition to a lifestyle of “preparedness” where we could provide for our family’s basic necessities of life –water, heat & food–as independently as possible.  As time went on, we realized that our experience and knowledge gained in this process could be a benefit to others also.

We began producing DVDs & books that would help others to prepare practically for the times ahead.  Our website is another tool that we offer to help people to prepare “wisely” not “rashly”.  Our book “Sustainable Preparedness” advocates not only short term preparedness, but also emphasizes the tremendous benefits that come with a lifestyle that will continually benefit not only one’s own family but others in need too–providing an “on-going supply” of life’s most basic necessities! 

Since late 2007 our family has gone to hundreds of locations all over this nation giving seminars on preparedness topics such as the ones below:

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