empyrewireless.com - Empyre Wireless LLC | Mokelumne Hill, Ca | Wireless Internet Service Provider | (209) 286-6605

Description: Empyre Wireless LLC is a Wireless Internet Service Provider or WISP located in Mokelumne Hill, Ca. Empyre Wireless has been in business for one year and continues to expand it's coverage of the Mokelumne Hill, Ca area with plans to cover Calaveras and Amador counties in the near future. Packages start at $39.99 a month for internet access in the home. Call for more details. (209) 286-6605.

provider (163359) service (30234) internet (23755) wireless (3369) isp (1794) wisp (1322) calaveras (38) mokelumne hill (3)

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A World Without Wires
