empsn.org.uk - IT services | Broadband for Schools in the East Midlands | emPSN

Description: emPSN provides broadband connectivity and online IT safety services for schools and local authorities in the East Midlands.

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Operating from our offices in Northamptonshire, we’ve worked closely with a range of service providers over the last 20 years, bringing quality internet services and network connectivity to schools and organisations.

As a not-for-profit, our main aim is to build safe and secure online spaces for schools and organisations to create, manage and learn. We strongly believe in reinvesting into our members to continuously improve our services.

Our broadband connectivity is of the highest quality, offering exceptional speed, stability and security – thanks to a number of trusted network suppliers. Handpicked by our team, these suppliers have all undergone a strict procurement process. If you are interested in becoming a service provider, please read about our procurement process.

Links to empsn.org.uk (4)