emhsgroup.blogspot.ca - Essex Medieval Heritage Society

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Clancy Day's theme this year was The Sweetest Clancy Day Ever, and it lived up to its name!

There was an Arts and Sciences contest specifically for a period sweet.  The populace vote was for the 12th Century Shortbread, and the judged entry that won was Honeyed Roman Bread

The Rapier list had three tournaments.  The first was the legendary Ottar's Cup.  This was Round Robin until the finals where it mimics the NHL's Stanley Cup.  It was Master Maximilian Der Zauberer and Warder Lucien Featherstone in the finals, and in the end Warder Lucien drank from Ottar's Cup!   The second tournament was called Love is Blind.  The participants are blindfolded, given noisemakers and a plastic foil like the Division I and II kids get, and led onto the field.  At "lay on" they shake their no

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