elvenspirituality.com - Home - The Elven Spiritual Path

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We are a global, online community advancing a spiritual path based on the Elven spiritual viewpoint represented within the Middle-earth stories of Professor J.R.R. Tolkien   (including The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings ) collectively known as the Legendarium .

Since 2005 as a core team (who are now the hereof trustees) we have been doing so as Tië eldaliéva (T-e), meaning “ path of the Star People “ . Established in 2005, and receiving 501 © (3) tax-exempt status in 2020 and as documented by Dr. Markus Davidsen , T-e is the preeminent spiritual leader within the Tolkien-based Elven spiritual community.

Many of us are mystics, some of us are exclusively devoted to the T-e, and some of us embrace the Path as an adjunct to our principal devotion to Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Wicca, Judaism, Baha’i, Zoroastrianism, or other spiritual traditions. We are based in San Francisco, serving the Elven(-centered) community by advancing the practical experience of Elven spirituality.

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