eloralegion.ca - Elora Legion Branch 229

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On April 9, 1932, Branch 229 Elora, of the Royal Canadian Legion was granted it's charter to operate. Since then, the Legion has been supporting it's community in many significant ways. Not only does the Legion look after Veterans and their families, but also the Elora and area residents. To date, we have given over $750,000 to seniors groups, minor sports, the local hospital, cadets, scouting groups, and many more.

Please take a few minutes and check out our website, and maybe even stop by our Branch for a visit. You are always welcome. If you would like to join our fine Branch, click on Membership to find out how. We have many exciting events throughout the year that you might be interested in. You can find out about them in the Coming Events section.

The Legion is about more than our canteen. Give us a chance, and we'll show you!

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