ellewilson.blog - Life, Law, and Politics in the Northeast Kingdom – by Elle Wilson

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Blog About Contact Life, Law, and Politics in the Northeast Kingdom Susan McVetty for Guildhall Selectboard Once again, Town Meeting is upon us.  I’m less involved in town politics than I used to be (I was Town Clerk and Treasurer for 6 years, before I started to practice law).  But I still vote and campaign when there are issues I care about on the warning, or when there are contested races.

This year, there’s a contested seat on the three-person Guildhall Selectboard.  Susan McVetty is challenging Pete Fay, the incumbent.  I support Susan.  She has a long history of exemplary service to the Town:  she’s been on the Selectboard a few times, and in addition, she’s served at various times over the last two decades as a zoning administrator, planning commissioner, cemetery commissioner, auditor, and treasurer.  She knows the ropes of town business inside and out.

Susan, quite honestly, is one of the most organized and detail-oriented people I know.  She genuinely cares about the town and about good governance.  In the past, she’s demonstrated the ability to work in a professional, collegial way with virtually all other Town officers, and stand up for what she believes is right, when necessary.