elkind.net - ELKIND.NET / Jeny Elkind. Web/UI Designer, CSS Artist, Entrepreneur. I make hip and exciting web site. Big and Small / web-desi

Description: ELKIND.NET / Jeny Elkind. Web/UI Designer, CSS Artist, Entrepreneur. I make hip and exciting web site. Big and Small / web-design / interaction design / digital media / interface design / Information architecture / application development / multimedia authoring / usability testing

css artist (2) elkind.net / jeny elkind. web/ui designer (1) entrepreneur. i make hip and exciting web site. big and small / (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Hi there :) I'm Jeny Elkind. Digital Couturier, Web/Media/UI Designer, Front End Developer, Entrepreneur based in Tel Aviv

Hi there. I'm Jeny Elkind. Digital Couturier, Web/Media/UI Designer, Front End Developer, Entrepreneur based in Tel Aviv.

My interests include cognitive psychology, web coding, and graphic design. I attempt to understand and produce user experiences that are engaging and visually elegant.

Links to elkind.net (55)