elifts.net - Explosive Strength Training

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E-Lifts Why you need some Explosive Lifts in your strength training plan Part I

If you've been in the gym during the past few years, you've probably heard these strength training strategies tossed around; light weight / high reps and heavy weight / low reps . One of the newest strength training strategy on the block is Slow Reps, which refers to a slow moving weight lifting tempo. Think about doing a standard barbell curl in super-slow motion, and that's what Slow Reps look like.

I've been in the gym for 40 years and I've seen fitness movements come and go. I've even seen some great training inventions, and I've seen some old fitness gimmicks reinvented under different names, as if they were new revolutionary discoveries by marketers hoping to cash in. New training techniques can be very positive too, particularly if they evolve from an established and proven system of training.