electricphysique.com - Lifetime fitness and the electric physique. Your body is just the beginning.

Description: Lifetime Fitness:A new concept of fitness based on evolutionary principles to get the body you always wanted.

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Is lifetime fitness possible? Is the body you have, the body you want? google_ad_client="pub-4520119733373775";google_ad_slot="8113498069";google_ad_width=336;google_ad_height=280;

Lifetime fitness? Is it a dream to want to live in a healthy, fit and attractive body that stays that way for a lifetime? One that will not only provide you with lifetime fitness and minimal illness into advanced age but a body that is admired by others, attractive to the opposite sex and sings with vitality....health is more than the absence of disease, it is a body bursting with vitality... an electric physique!!

This site is an amalgam of my experiences, research and learnings in my pursuit of the perfect body for me, and in that process hopefully you will be able to realise the perfect body for you as well, for a lifetime. It is based on evolutionary principles and 15 years of anthropological research.