electionadministrator.co.uk - proportional representation election and AV Alternative Vote systems for seat allocation software modified st lague dhondt MMP

Description: proportional representation electoral systems, AV Alternative Vote, and seat allocation calculation software using modified St Lague, d'hondt (dhondt), MMP, Droop, Hare, Quotas, PR and first past the post methods

av (4438) proportional representation (25) election software (15) alternative vote (7) proportional representation systems (5) pr systems (5) seat allocation (5) modified st lague (5) st lague (5) modified sainte lague (5)

Example domain paragraphs

The files are designed for presenting in workshops, public sessions and courses. The files currently expect some level of prior knowledge about electoral systems.

Dr Peter Clayton is available as a presenter and facilitator for presenting these files and explaining the different electoral systems. Click here to email him .

Copyright notice: All the files are copyright 2009-2017 of Peter Clayton, all rights reserved. They are free to use for all presentations where the participants have not paid to attend the presentations and also where the organisation is a not-for-profit organisation. For everyone else there is a small fee to purchase a licence to use each file. Academic institutions that charge their students a fee to attend their institution must also pay the small licence fee.