- EGS PR | Agence basée à Montréal de relations publiques, gestion de réputation et formation de porte-parole. Groupe EGS

Description: EGS PR est une agence de communication intégrée, de relations publiques (RP), de positionnement d'exécutif et de gestion de crise. L'équipe EGS est reconnue pour sa formation de porte-parole avancée de cadres et de dirigeants. Groupe EGS

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Example domain paragraphs

The services we offer include:

COMMUNICATIONSPLANNING & STRATEGY MEDIA TRAINING & SPOKESPERSON COACHING EVENT STRATEGY & EXECUTION CRISIS MANAGEMENT MEDIA  RELATIONS & PR ASSET DEVELOPMENT   COPYWRITING & GHOSTWRITING INFLUENCER ENGAGEMENT GOVERNMENT RELATIONS EXECUTIVE POSITIONING & PROFILE BUILDING Anchor 1 Our Agency EGS is a Montreal-based, global-reaching integrated communications agency. Our firm designs and personalizes each client program to ensure a tangible, positive impact for the brands, companies and people we represent.

Committed to delivering the highest standard of excellence while never losing sight of our entrepreneurial spirit, EGS helps clients refine their story to ensure it speaks to the right audience, whether it’s within their industry, the larger business community or potential customers. We make it our mission to craft an impactful and authentic public profile.