- l'Eglise Gnostique Apostolique

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The Gnostique Church is ONE: Her doctrine is unique. She adapts herself through various epochs, but the basis of all those adaptations is absolutely the same. The Gnostic Church is Holy: Her moral is the pure evangelical moral which alone is capable of making Saints. The Gnostic Church is Apostolic: She recognizes the Apostle John as her leader of origin. The Gnostic Church is Universal: She is intimately linked to the Primordial Tradition of which She is an adaptation; one could say that She has always exi

The ancient church of the apostles and their direct heirs, the gnostic schools and churches of antiquity, the medieval Cathars and Bogomils, and most recently the gnostic and theosophical renaissance beginning in 19th century France are all part of the history of our Church.

Always a Church, the sacraments and rituals that bring us together as part of the one Church of God and being the basis of the existence of any church are also maintained within our community.