eftnow.co.uk - Home - Sam Neffendorf

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As an Integrated META-Consciousness and EFT Trainer, I  support people to move beyond the blocks to their health, wealth and freedom and create a life that is truly and richly theirs.  That is why I offer a range of courses and solutions designed to empower you in the present and transform your future.

I can guide you, using Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and Matrix Reimprinting to let go of old emotional patterns and beliefs that are keeping you stuck.  With META-Conscious Health Analysis, we can uncover the root cause of your symptoms so that you become powerful and able to heal yourself .  These are cutting edge processes that combine working with the mind and balancing the energy system to achieve quick and long lasting results on emotional health.  This is an area that is often overlooked in curr

Physical imbalances such as cravings or phobias almost always have emotional roots.

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