effect.systems - Yihong Zhang

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I am a first-year PhD student studying Computer Science at UW Seattle, co-advised by Zachary Tatlock and Dan Suciu . I am broadly interested in the theories and applications of programming languages and data management.

Currently, I work on a program optimization technique called Equality Saturation (EqSat): Theory : I try to answer questions like "when does EqSat terminate?" . System : I am working on a new system called egglog that unifies Datalog and EqSat. Technique : I am interested in techniques that make EqSat better. In our POPL 2022 paper we made pattern matching in EqSat asymptotically faster. Application : I am always looking to apply EqSat to emerging domains, such as computational fabrication . I am maintainin

During my undergrad, I TAed 3 classes: CSE 341, an introductory PL class for in-major undergrads; CSE 374, an intermediate programming class for non-major undergrads; and CSE 505, a PL class for Professional Masters and PhDs. TAship is fun.

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