- Education FWD | @tzouris | Flipboard

Description: Education FWD (forward) is a carefully curated collection of articles on education or education technology.. See more stories about .

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comment Flip Share Dimitris Tzouris Promoting Prosocial Behaviors in the Classroom - Cathleen Beachboard According to research, nurturing prosocial behaviors may improve academic outcomes—both classroom grades and test scores. Humans are born with …

comment Flip Share Dimitris Tzouris What is the point of higher education if it doesn’t make people happy? verified_publisher The Guardian - Jonathan Wolff Forcing universities to compete with each other is a bad idea. What we need is a Teaching Happiness Framework In The Methods of Ethics, a book read only by philosophers with an overdeveloped sense of duty, the late Victorian utilitarian moralist Henry Sidgwick argued that other philosophers of his …

comment Flip Share Dimitris Tzouris Giving students more music, theater, and dance boosts writing scores (and compassion), big new study finds - By Matt Barnum When you’re the big fish, it’s not OK to pick on the little fish just because you can. That’s an important lesson for everyone. But some Houston …