edisonsevillo.com - Digital Language School

Description: Fig Tree Academy is a virtual learning environment for teachers who need a space for teaching their students.  Some courses are free for everyone, but others are exclusive to those who are are either enrolled in the teacher's course in a learning institution or university or have a prior arrangement with the teachers.  Teachers who need a place to host their course during the pandemic or during tight situations are welcome to apply. Please send an inquiry to [email protected]

moodle (13255) digital language school (2)

Example domain paragraphs

Language Support in English, French, and Japanese | Prise en charge linguistique en anglais, français et japonais. | 英語、フランス語、日本語の言語サポート

Study Online | Etudier en ligne | オンラインで勉強します

Teacher Support | Soutien aux enseignants. | 教師のサポート