edgeintelligence.com - Where Big Data Analytics Meets Edge Computing | Edge Intelligence

Description: The fastest, easiest way to analyze vast amounts of geographically distributed data. Intelligent edge software provides near real-time insight from data whether it is seconds or years old. Stop shipping data centrally to perform analytics and extract the maximum value from your data. Request a demo.

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The fastest, easiest way to analyze vast amounts of geographically distributed data. Intelligent edge software provides near real-time insight from data whether it is seconds or years old.

Transferring volumes of data across geographies takes too long, is expensive and increases data privacy concerns. Instead of shipping data centrally to perform analytics, distribute and federate analytics at the edge. Manage and analyze data anywhere – with responses to queries in seconds.

Subscriber Analytics interprets data from millions of subscribers and trillions of records in seconds, delivering fine-grained analytical insights into subscriber activity. The results: increased network monetization, improved customer experience, customized product bundles, predictable churn, and wiser capital outlays.