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Description: Analyse van pensioenregelingen, analyse van pensioenproducten van pensioenuitvoerders, begeleiding bij fusies en overnames, begeleiding bij harmonisatie van arbeidsvoorwaarden, begeleiding bij opheffing pensioenfondsen, advisering rondom echtscheiding, actuariële berekeningen & geven van pensioencursussen

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Analysis of pension schemes, analysis of pension products of pension providers (including pension funds), pension communication, guidance on mergers and acquisitions, guidance on harmonization of employment conditions, due diligence, advice on divorce, actuarial calculations & providing pension training. Apart from we advise on employee benefits insurances, like illness insurances, disability insurances.

Eric de Bruijn Pensioenconsultancy has been active since 2006. A consultancy organization that is focused on providing high-quality pension advice. Entirely independent and fully open via a pre-agreed cost declaration or based on hours times rate. Plus the total Employee Benefits, like illness insurances and disability insurances.  More about us

The Pension Communication Act provides more pension awareness. This ensures that the employer, also through good employment practices , gets a commitment to this. With new staff, but also for existing employees. Our organization is ready for this by using an online pension communication tool developed in-house. The name: Onzepensioenregeling.nl. A demo is available. Please contact us. More about developments