- Eco Friendly Business | Business that respects our planet

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Green living doesn’t mean you have to give up your car. While walking or using public transportation are likely the greenest options, there are many things you can do to lessen the environmental impact of your automobile. Here are a few ideas for making your car greener.

– Choose a fuel-efficient car. Small cars use much less fuel than big ones. Also, newer cars are usually more fuel-efficient than older models. Of course, a hybrid or full-electric car will be even better for the environment. Read the rest of this entry »

Most lumber is dried before being sold at a lumber yard. The amount of water within rough timber varies by species and region, but a raw moisture content of 80 percent or higher is not uncommon in newly cut logs. For general use, moisture content is not a critical issue and has a wide acceptable range. Read the rest of this entry »