eavalon.net - Jessi(e||ca) Johnston

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Made my first website in '96 & never looked back. I spent many years as a sql/coldfusion/js/html full stack, but nowadays it's mainly front end between some freelance & my personal addiction to shiny things, innovative tech, odd projects and interesting certifications - because I love it still.

I once swore I wouldn't be a teacher but I was wrong .  Teaching or supporting teaching in either a classroom or a less traditional setting turned out to be where my heart lies. I am 100% a believer in lifelong learning, both as a concept and as a personal life goal - but my ultimate joy is finding opportunities to tie my love of tech to edu and properly geek out.

When gantt chart & venn diagrams are your design inspiration,you're probably a PM. My knack for problem solving, ability to translate tech talk, & other soft skills led me down the path of project & team management. I've been called She Who Gets It Done for my skills and as far as I'm concerned, there's no better title.