- Eat Drink Pacific

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Eat Drink Pacific

This list is meant to highlight ways to get locally-sourced (or at least regional) food without going to the farmer’s market or grocery store and without relying on ‘gig-based’ businesses. This is intended for people who have an income, want to support small businesses, and are interested in local foods (but are not at the level where they know the first names of local farmers for instance). After sharing this list with one of my labs at UC San Diego, I had requests from several people to share it more wide

A lot of our local CSA (community supported agriculture) programs have switched from farmer’s market pickup to home delivery. However…. Many of the smaller ones have waitlists, and if you’re not a CSA kind of person already, it might be harder to adjust to having the narrower options and the up-front commitment of joining a small CSA makes available to you. I definitely encourage people to find a CSA that works for them, but for many, a ‘virtual farmer’s market’ that collates produce from several farms is g