easyarabictyping.com - FREE Arabic Typing | English to Arabic Translation ← اكتب في العربية

Description: اكتب في العربية - With this tool, you type in Latin letters (e.g. a, ar, etc.), which is then converted to characters that have similar pronunciation in the Arabic language. To give you an example, if you type in 'Sabah el kheer', this will be converted into 'صباح الخير'. Additionally, on clicking backspace a list of candidate transliterations may show for you to select. This makes typing in Arabic easy and natural. There is no need to remember complex Arabic keyboard layout.

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Google Transliteration Help Download Text to File Select and Copy × Based on ISO 8859-6: ء آ أ ؤ إ ئ ا ب ة ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ع غ ـ ف ق ك ل م ن ه و ى ي Punctuation: ؉ ؊ ، ؍ ؛ ؞ ؟ ٪ ٫ ٬ ٭ ۔ Digit: ٠ (zero) ١ (1) ٢ (2) ٣ (3) ٤ (4) ٥ (5) ٦ (6) ٧ (7) ٨ (8) ٩ (9) . Eastern Arabic Indic Digits: Extended Arabic Letters: ٱ ٲ ٴ ٵ ٶ ٷ ٸ ٹ ٺ ٻ ټ ٽ پ ٿ ڀ ځ ڂ ڃ ڄ څ چ ڇ ڈ ډ ڊ ڋ ڌ ڍ ڎ ڏ ڐ ڑ ڒ ړ ڔ ڕ ږ ڗ ژ ڙ ښ ڛ ڜ ڝ ڞ ڟ ڠ ڡ ڢ ڣ ڤ ڥ ڦ ڧ ڨ ک ڪ ګ ڬ ڭ ڮ گ ڰ ڱ ڲ ڳ ڴ ڵ ڶ ڷ ڸ ڹ ں ڻ ڼ ڽ ھ ڿ ۀ ہ ۂ ۃ ۄ ۅ ۆ ۇ ۈ ۉ ۊ ۋ ی ۍ ێ

Fig 1. Arabic Keyboard Layout.

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