earshower.com - earclin, your in-home ear specialist - earClin

Description: EarClin’s clinically tested range of ear hygiene products has been specially developed to ensure optimal ear hygiene from the comfort and convenience of your own home

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EarClin's proven effective range EarClin's range has been proven effective for ear hygiene and has been specially developed to ensure optimal ear hygiene from the comfort and convenience of your home. Keep your ears clean with the earClin earshower and treat or prevent itching with the earClin 3in1 spray.

The ear has ±1.000 glands which produce earwax (cerumen). This forms a mixture with the body's own sebum, hairs, and keratin and is usually found in the outer part of the ear canal. Normally, wax works its way out naturally, but it often needs a helping hand. When the earwax cannot escape properly, it can get clogged, and a clogged ear can affect the hearing and/or balance. This can happen to people that produce more earwax than others, those with tougher ear wax (which increases with age), and those who us

To prevent infections and improve your hearing, use earClin, it’s quick, easy and safe