durergallery.com - Albrecht Durer

Description: The life and art of Albrecht Durer, the great painter and engraver.

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Albert Durer, the most celebrated artist of Germany, was born at Nuremberg, 21st May 1471. His father was a goldsmith, and he carefully trained his son, and instructed him in his own craft. But the youth showed greater inclination for painting, and in very early years had already attained considerable artistic skill, as is proved by such drawings as the portrait of himself at the age of thirteen, now in the Albertina Collection, Vienna. He was accordingly apprenticed to Michael Wolgemut, the best painter in

After serving his time under this master, Michael Wolgemut , Durer started on his travels in 1490; and there is reason to believe that he found his way to Italy and visited Venice. On his return his father arranged a marriage for him with Agnes Frey, the daughter of a Nuremberg merchant. It has been constantly asserted that the union was an unhappy one, but Thausing, Durer's most accurate biographer, has shown reason for believing that the letter of Pirkheimer , written two years after the painter's death,

In 1498 he published his first great series of designs on wood, the illustrations of the Apocalypse, which, it seems to be now generally admitted, were, like the rest of Durer's work of the kind, cut upon the block by a professional engraver. The copper-plates of this period include The Prodigal Son assigned to 1500; the Shield of the Death's Head (1503); the Shield with the Lion and Cock , assigned to the same year, and in technique one of his most accomplished engravings; and the Adam and Eve (1504). In 1

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