dummyimage.com - Dynamic Dummy Image Generator - DummyImage.com

Example domain paragraphs

width x height Height is optional, if no height is specified the image will be a square. Example: https://dummyimage.com/300 Must be the first option in the url You can specify one dimension and a ratio and dummyimage will calculate the right value. Example: https://dummyimage.com/640x4:3 or https://dummyimage.com/16:9x1080 Colors background color / text color Colors are represented as hex codes (#ffffff is white) Colors always follow the dimensions, https://dummyimage.com/250/ffffff/000000 not https://dumm

You'll run into problems trying to manually enter a dimension as text if the numbers use the UTf-8 Hex values above, like &text=400x250 . Use a multiplication symbol, × instead (not an x character) to get around this, &text=400×250 .

If you need to use other unicode characters, look up their UTF-8 Hex version at http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/search.htm Standard Image Sizes Several standard dimensions are included in dummyimage.com including ad sizes and screen resolution sizes .

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