drozdikbianka.com - Bianka Drozdik – Puppetplayer

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My intuition had led me to pursue art at an early age, so I got into an Acting training. I didn’t know exactly what was missing until I took part in an object theatre workshop. The expansion of my expressive possibilities brought up the boundless creativity in me, which had the unmistakable power: a world full of poetry, metaphorical images and childlike fun.

That’s how I discovered puppet theatre in addition to acting, and with that, I found the niche for my best artistic development.

With this novel interest, I applied for the Hochschule für Schauspielkunst „Ernst Busch“ in Berlin to study contemporary puppetry. Since graduating from „Ernst Busch“, I have been working freelance (currently from Leipzig) and incorporating a wide variety of theatrical forms in different constellations.

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