drmickeymehta.com - Holistic Healing by Dr. Mickey Mehta

Description: Dr. Mickey Mehta is India’s leading Holistic Health Guru. He and him team of wellness experts bring you fitness and wellness packages and services that transform your life. We have nutrition, workouts, psychology, physiotherapy, Ayurveda, breath work and more Dr Mickey Mehta and his team also conduct corporate trainings and retreats They specialize in working with terminally ill patients.

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An invitation to get HEALED & become WHOLE again. Health initialized, with Holistic Healing get Mickeymized!!! Home: Testimonials Home: About Home: Services Our Programs An invitation for humans to become super humans. Come and experience the elements of nature and the essence of well-being never experienced before. The ordinary will turn extraordinary. Get initiated into wellness with us. An invitation to taste and savour something haven't tasted ever before.