drinkcham.com - Cold Brew Tea | Cham | All Natural, Organic, Non-GMO

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Outstanding Cold Beverage | Ready-to-drink

At Cham, our goal is to craft fresh, cold brewed teas that are minimally filtered and are the perfect balance of wellness and taste without any compromises whatsoever. We believe that you should never have to settle for a bland tea that has been hot brewed, scorching most of the nutritional benefits or worst yet, loaded with preservatives and sugar.

When we say Cham is never heated, we mean it. Our entire process is focused on maintaining a cold chain of events starting from the initial harvest of our raw ingredients up until it reaches your grocer’s shelf. Our organic herbs and fruits are kept as whole as possible and naturally dried. Our organic raw honey comes directly from our winged little buddies who are treated with respect and never fed antibiotics or sugar feed. Yuck.