dreamweavercalendars.com - Dreamweaver Calendars

Description: DreamweaverCalendars offers both remotely hosted calendars and standalone calendars available as Dreamweaver extensions. Setup is extremely simple, offering high performance at a low cost.

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When it comes to web-based calendars, DreamweaverCalendars.com offers a wide array of solutions. On one hand, we offer an online service , through which you can install and manage a calendar based on our server, with minimal requirements from yours. Setup is extremely simple, offering high performance at a low cost. At the same time we offer a series of products that you can download and install on your website independently.

Dreamweaver Event Calendar is our most feature-rich product. You can use it through our Online Service or purchase it as a Dreamweaver extension.

Dreamweaver Event Calendar uses modern technologies and includes attractive presentation. It is simple in use , at both front- and back-end.

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