dreamcomereview.com - Dream Come Review

Description: A book blog where reading and ranting/raving about books is not only encouraged, it's mandatory.

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Every once in a while I need to sift through my various TBRs to make sure I haven’t missed too may deadlines. I always enjoy going through other people’s Netgalley TBRs! October 2022 This one is definitely a bit of late ARC shame! It feels like every time I pick it up I’m not in the mood for Schitt’s Creek type characters. I will need to try it again ASAP. Out now! April 2023 Magic Corrupts, Magic Conquers was on my […]

Today, I’m excited to share a guest post from Emma Barry! Before we get to her take on ex’s in romance, let me share some info on her new release, Funny Guy! Ex Ethics Is anyone treated worse in romance than the main characters’ exes? Heck, some villains have entire fan clubs, and villain redemption arcs are common in long series. But exes are an entirely other matter. They’re often treated as obstacles to the couple getting (or staying) together […]

Diana Biller has been an auto-buy author for me since The Widow of Rose House. Hotel of Secrets, written with the same care and thoughtfulness, takes readers away from Moore family and brings us Hotel Wallner set in Vienna. Actually, I believe this was my first historical romance with a Venetian setting. Add in the drama of Maria trying to bring the hotel back to it’s former self while hotel patron shenanigans and exceedingly complex family entanglements (complete with a […]