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Litigation funding is used to increase access to justice for those otherwise unable to prosecute a claim to uncover and remedy incompetence, reckless or egregious behaviour. Litigation can also be misused, perhaps as a strategic tool, and in the formulation of legal tactics in class action litigation.

Dr David Millhouse, Senior Honorary Adjunct Research Fellow, Faculty of Law at Bond University, discusses shareholder class action financing by looking into the Australian Law Reform Commission 2018, the PJC ‘Paterson’ Inquiry 2020, and more. He will delve further into this at the Shareholder Class Actions: Reforms & Risks on Thursday 10 June.

‘Fiduciary’ and ‘best interest’ are commonly used terms interpreted differently in the law and often misunderstood by the legislature, media, in the investment chain and in corporate governance. Their heritage lies in equity, meaning a duty to give undivided loyalty to the vulnerable whom they serve. That is where divergence begins.