drake.nz - Andrew Drake | NZ

andrew drake (4)

Example domain paragraphs

I'm based in the city of Ōtautahi Christchurch , in Aotearoa New Zealand . I'm originally from Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland and have family roots in Kaikōura ( Kāti Kuri ).

I have a track record in early-stage SAAS product development since 2008, including co-founding a high-growth SAAS product in 2012 and successfully selling in 2019. I've worked with major international brands over the years - including Unilever, Nike, Nokia, Universal Music and John Deere - and with well-known NZ brands such as PGG Wrightson, Spark and Ngāi Tahu Tourism.

I presently work at Motorcentral building fintech software solutions for car dealer and retail sectors. I also operate Below 43 on a part-time basis, providing IT consultancy and hybrid app dev services to non-profits and hi-tech startups.

Links to drake.nz (3)