- DownEast Soaring Club

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The DownEast Soaring Club was established in 1991, as an off shoot of theBrunswick Area Modelers. We received our charter from AMA with 7 initialmembers.We typically have members from all of the New England States (Maine, NH, VT, CT, RI, MA) and exchange newsletters with many soaring clubs throughout the country.The core of the Club Officers are from the Topsham Maine area.

Our first few years focused on sanctioning up to six thermal duration contests per summer season at a sod farm in Biddeford, Maine. This event schedule helped to quickly establish the Club throughout the greater New England area. We then cut back our contest schedules after several years and began focusing our energy to produce a more relaxing flying schedule that focused on fun and camaraderie. This approach was more conducive to providing an avenue for our members to exchange ideas, and to assist in the d

Club fees are $12 per year and AMA membership is mandatory. Several Club outings are organized each year,including several “No Host Soaring Lobster Festivals” which include soaring combat, annual fun fly contest, slope getaway weekend and others.

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