- Coming Soon

Example domain paragraphs

Dove is a multichain computer that provides timestamping and unique ordering of arbitrary events. Bitcoin solved the specific problem of decentralized timestamping of one type of event - Bitcoin transactions. DOVE solves the general problem of decentralized timestamping of arbitrary, user-defined events across all publicly accessible data sources.

The name - DOVE - represents D ecentralized O bservation, V erification, and E xecution. Dove is modular and strives for architectural simplicity and elegance. Conceptually, there are three main parts of Dove:

Bitcoin introduced the notion of a decentralized peer-to-peer online currency and solved the decentralized ordering ("double-spend") problem. Ethereum provides a decentralized Turing-complete computer. Both Bitcoin and Ethereum were conceived for world with a few blockchains, each a self-contained island; users needing digital gold could use Bitcoin and users needing decentralized compute (or "programmable money") could use Ethereum.

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