
Description: Dos Games Hub is my private hub where I run away from real life (wife, kids, job etc) and find my private peace playing good old dos games. In this hub I intend…

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Dos Games Hub is my private hub where I run away from real life (wife, kids, job etc) and find my private peace playing good old dos games.

In this hub I intend to record a new podcast when I finish to play a dos game, where I will summary my experience in playing the game as well as some tips, links and stories. I will try and have a nice page for each podcast where I will be able to put the shownotes. I don’t expect my casts to be long as English is not my primary language.

Along the podcast I intend to add a nice category page for every game series I play (Might & magic, King’s quest etc) where I will have a short summary about the series, and some common links for the series.

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