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Now located in Berthoud, Colorado, Dorband & Associates (D&A) was founded in 1976 by the then young entrepreneur, Dr. Wayne Dorband, to specialize in providing research, development partnership and consulting for projects having unique environmental characteristics. Initially D&A became the umbrella company for an innovative contaminated property consulting business (today ATC, Inc.), a forensic like (picture CSI forty years ago) analytical laboratory (ATC – took public in 1984), an aquatic consulting compa

Our headquarters is at the picture-book Mountain Sky Ranch , located in the shadows of Rocky Mountain National Park. D&A is one of a number of companies operating under the branding of the Center for Ecolonomic Excellence and Development (CEED).

We are home to the now famous 501C3 Not-for-Profit Institute of Ecolonomics (IoE), founded by the late actor and environmental leader, Dennis Weaver. We are environmental visionaries that know the world will be a better place if we persist in looking for opportunities to promote sustainability and regeneration. Our primary goal is to “help people make a little money making the planet better” – ECOLONOMICS!