- Dominican Preaching Network

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In October 2016, during the 800th Jubilee Year of our Order, the Dominican Preaching Network was launched. This international colloquium on the Dominican way of preaching took place in St. Louis, Missouri, USA. A dream shared by two Dominican friars, one from Germany, the other from the United States, the Network became a reality in the context of an international event hosted by three Dominican institutes:

More than 60 invited participants from 22 countries and from all branches of the Dominican Family attended the colloquium in St. Louis. Preaching is the “trademark” of our Order and the most unifying element of the different branches of the Dominican Family, sisters, brothers and lay Dominicans. St. Louis offered the opportunity to share the broad variety of our preaching experiences in workshops, keynote addresses, and conversations.

At the end of this jubilee event, the participants were clear in their desire: We want to continue! We want to go on sharing our preaching experiences and our faith as Dominican brothers and sisters around the world. In order to facilitate this sharing an collaboration, the Dominican Preaching Network is scheduled to meet every year in different parts of the world: 2017 in the Asia/Pacific region, 2018 in Europe, 2019 in North America and 2020 again as an international meeting.