- The DoD3 - Coasters, carnivals and more!

Description: The DoD3 is a blog featuring amusement parks, carnivals, photography, and opinion pieces.

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Heard the other day that Space Roller, the only Mondial Top Scan ride traveling in the US, has been sold.

The ride was previously owned by Jeremy Floyd (and by the Baxter’s before that) and had been in the US for around 21 years. Its buyers are Emerson Edwards & Paul Hart, a pair of showmen from the UK – so congrats to my UK viewers for having a Top Scan again!

Here’s a bunch of photos of Space Roller that I’ve taken throughout the years, the earliest ones being from 2008 I think. All were taken at the State Fair Meadowlands, which is the only fair I saw it at – though it did play North Brunswick at least once a while back.