- Welcome

Description: Welcome to my website. Thank you for stopping by. If you are one of Jehovah's Witnesses, please consider the contents of this site carefully. Yes, this site does take a critical look at the teachings and practices of the leadership of Jehovah's Witnesses. But they have invited that critical look at themselves. Consider the following

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Welcome to my website. Thank you for stopping by.

If you are one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, please consider the contents of this site carefully. Yes,  this site does take a critical look at the teachings and practices of the leadership of Jehovah’s Witnesses. But they have invited that critical look at themselves. Consider the following from the August 22, 1984 Awake! magazine. In response to a letter calling them to task for their criticism of the Pope, the “faithful slave” replied:

We surely were not trying to take cheap shots at the pope or the Catholic Church, nor were we criticizing Catholics. The Catholic Church occupies a very significant position in the world and claims to be the way of salvation for hundreds of millions of people. Any organization that assumes that position should be willing to submit to scrutiny and criticism. All who criticize have the obligation to be truthful in presenting the facts and fair and objective in assessing such. In both respects we try to live u