division6.co.uk - division6 | Armand David's personal weblog: dadhood, technology, running, media, food, stuff and nonsense.

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About division6 Wedding Soup Running Armand David’s personal (largely out of date) blog Getting older Your inner child So filled with glee At toys and sweets and cakes and treats Declines with years, until one day You anticipate aging with dismay A roll of fat, a flash of grey The looming signs of your decay And then you look, up and see The greetings from your family Your loved ones’ […]

The eagle eyed followers amongst you will have noticed I’m not blogging here that much at the moment. That’s because most of my professional blogging is plugged into LinkedIn and the company blog, and my amateur blogging is focussed on burgers and lives here. I did have a brief interlude as a political commentator and […]

I’m not much of a political commentator and this post is driven by a need to make sense of what’s going on in the wider world, Brexit and beyond. Plus, y’know, jetlag ‘creativity.’ I’ll also caveat this as a #firstworldproblem; I appreciate that there are other people playing in far less pleasant democracies than I. […]

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