diversityintheworkplace.gr - Welcome! - Diversity In The Workplace

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The official project launch of “ Diversity in the Workplace ” in 2017 signified partnerships with companies and organisations which would not only support the initiative, but would, also, share with us the vision of an equal and accessible work environment. Aiming at equal access to the Greek labour market for people of different cultural backgrounds, Diversity in the Workplace was an integral part of the “ Livelihoods for vulnerable populations in an Inclusive Labour Market ”, implemented by Generation 2.0

Today, more than 90 companies make up the Network, with 17 of them having already participated in the “Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace” tranings, whereas a great number of companies has voluntarily participated in activities, aiming to the integration of people of migrant background in the labour market, such as Speeches on various sectors, Educational visits to workplaces etc . 

Links to diversityintheworkplace.gr (3)