diucollege.ac.in - Government Arts, Commerce and Science College, Diu

Description: Diu is an extension of Saurashtra (Kathiawad) cultural zone and shares language, dress-patterns, food habits and other cultural elements with kathiawad. The

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Example domain paragraphs

Diu is a beautiful island situated slightly off the coast of Saurashtra (Kathiawad). It is bounded by Somnath-Gir and Amreli district of Gujarat in the North and by Arabian Sea from three sides. It is connected by two bridges with the main land.

Diu is an extension of Saurashtra (Kathiawad) cultural zone and shares language, dress-patterns, food habits and other cultural elements with kathiawad.

The climate of Diu is normally pleasant throughout the year with moderate temperature and gentle sea-breeze.

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