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DiTEMP is a European project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. It is a joint effort of four Universities, a University Business Foundation and an SME, aiming to explore the impact of Digital Transformation on field-specific markets. The project will provide a model of intervention, completed with tools, to integrate important and critical aspects of Digital transformation into curricular education in Higher education, promoting this way students’ employability.

Digital transformation (DX) is a technology-driven continuous change process affecting companies and the entire society, it is about adopting disruptive technologies to increase productivity, value creation, and social welfare.

Automation had and has greatly impacted on the labour market in terms of labour savings. Although this phenomenon has so far affected in particular low skilled workers, new business processes affect job positions for middle and highly skilled professionals, which are typical graduate jobs. Moreover, being an entrepreneur or self-employed in the digital era requires a higher level of digital skills and a sound understanding of digital transformation trends over time, in business and society.