ditelluridodemolibdeno.com - Graphene & 2D Materials | Trademarks | Domains | Patents [publigraphene.com]

Description: Publigraphene. The largest online Graphene portfolio in the world. Sale of registered trademarks, domains and patents related to the world of Graphene and 2D materials.

Example domain paragraphs

In 2204, two centuries after isolating "graphene" for the first time, the atomic material which changed the course of history, the human being officially inaugurated his colony on Mars. Having atomic control of matter and its reactions meant a new technological starting point. The great catalyst for the change from a world of 3D materials to a world of 2D materials, was the greatest crisis in history that took place in the 2020s. That was the date of molecular nanotechnology application in everyday settings

The strict international laws for the protection of people and their economy, still in force, do not allow people to go out on the street without a molecular identification based on "thiophene". This real-time health passport on individuals, has enabled us to protect us from viruses for centuries and will continue to do so.

It seems unbelievable, that only the photons on their heavy silicon plates will take advantage. We currently use the 4 elements of nature, all renewable and basis of our progress.