disruptcad3.com - CAD III | Coronary Study | Shockwave Medical

Description: CAD III is the largest and most rigorous Coronary Study. CAD III showcases safety, effectiveness & ease of use of Coronary IVL.

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MAKING BIG WAVES IN COMPLEX CALCIUM LARGEST & MOST RIGOROUS SHOCKWAVE STUDY Showcases Safety, Effectiveness & Ease of Use of Coronary IVL DISRUPT CAD III Co-PI Dr. Jonathan Hill Presents the CAD III Primary Endpoint Results JACC Publication CAD III JACC PUBLICATION DOWNLOAD TCT Data Slides DOWNLOAD TCT DATA SLIDES DOWNLOAD DISRUPT CAD III Q&A With Co-PI Dr. Jonathan Hill Dr. Jonathan Hill, M.D. Royal Brompton Hospital London, United Kingdom READ BLOG POST Sorry, your browser doesn't support embedded videos.

CAD III showcases IVL effectiveness with large lumen gains that facilitate stent delivery and optimize stent expansion.

CAD III demonstrated Coronary IVL’s ease of use and quick learning curve to achieve consistently predictable outcomes.