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Have you ever felt just… off? Like there’s something wrong, but you just can’t pinpoint what it is? That nagging feeling won’t leave you alone and you rack your mind to identify it. Sometimes the source is as simple as a bill needing paid but at other times it’s a more complex emotional issue that will eventually need to be addressed.

When that “Aha” moment comes and you settle on the source of your angst… there’s a bit of relief from naming it: anxiety, grief, anger, attention deficit, clinical depression, discontent, compulsive behavior, fear, exhaustion, addiction, loneliness, frustration… or something else just as discouraging. But once you’ve slapped a label on it, in the words of Journey, “Where do we go from here?”

This is where I found myself… not so long ago. I felt frustrated and misunderstood. My feelings were raw, my heart sensitive, and yet, not much around me had changed. Because I couldn’t identify the source of my emotions, I didn’t really know how to talk to anyone about it. I stayed trapped in that place of edginess until I decided to stop wondering about it and went to the One who made me! I’m so thankful for the truth deep in my spirit that God loves me and knows exactly what is going on in my heart!